Co-Branded card (Danish merchants only)
Due to EU legislation and local cobranded card rules in Denmark, all danish merchants who support both Visa and Dankort schemes has to allow Dankort/Visa cobranded cardholder to select their preferred scheme used for the payment. Thus, for this compliance purpose, the SDK now supports pre-selection of scheme between Dankort and Visa when using Dankort-Visa Co-Branded card. This allows cardholders to pre-select either Visa or Dankort scheme before initiating a payment.
By Default, Dankort is used, but if merchant wants to process transaction with Visa: the cobranded dankort card needs to be excluded as show in the following code snippet
// Only support Visa Card from supported card scheme list.
let cardPayment = PaymentProcess.cardPayment(
withMerchant: merchantDetails,
excludedCardSchemeSet: [.coBrandedDankort]
amount: amountInCents,
currency: currencyCode) { [unowned self] userSelectedToStoreCard, callback in
// Make the registeration call here and retrun the callback
Note: If none of the schemes of Co-Branded card are excluded, Dankort would be used as default scheme by the SDK to process the payment.
Note: Netaxept backend integration tips can be found in 5.4 Backend Tips, Register API section
Deprecated: system authentication is no longer used.